Push does not work. Often have to re-login.
Push does not work. Often have to re-login.
Ne marche pas.bug.supprimé après 5min...
Inutile ne pas telecharger
Ne marche pas!
endlich mal ein app für hotmail der funktioniert. top!!!
Bei mir funtzt einwandfrei bei hotmail.de
You have to enter your password every time to see the mails. Remember login does not work.
ALWAYS says I have 19 messages, even after theyve all been deleted, & wont actually send me notifications!? what is this.
Sorry guys, but I have to say that this app is not working, at least for me. The idea is is good, but it have to work to be good. Fix the problems and it can be 5 stars.
I tried air hotmail and it would close the program on me when I tried to open my inbox. This one is so much better and plus now I dont have to drive myself crazy by trying to get my email account to work in my settings.
This app stinks! It continuously crashes. Doesnt stay open long enough to write an email. It wont keep you signed in, even if the box is checked on the login page. Doesnt anyone check to see if some of these apps are stable enough to offer, even if they are free! Dont waste your time on this one!
My settings were never saved. The app wouldnt upload my emails. Comets waste of my time.
Doesnt save my email have to login every-time so I dont get the notifications therefor defeating the Purpose of the app. Also crashes
When is some one going to make an ap that works. You should be able to get refund on this crap
It would be better of the app name was just hotmail.. And it didnt say push in the corner
umm people are saying that it is bad but read this it really does work its not that better than the mail that apple but ya if you want a mail app get this one it Awsome how you can check your mail on a IPad, Itouch,IPhone ands etc
It does sync the mail better than other email apps. Although it doesnt save my login info :( This app has so much potential. Just needs to be fixed. It hasnt crashed for me either, so I will keep it. At least until I get annoyed signing myself in all the time
It should save my info when I log in so every time I go back to the app I dont have to log in again. Please update!!
Its really frustrating when you want to quickly check your email and you have to put your email address and password in every time before you can do that! It also was saying I had all these emails when I didnt . Its like it was frozen! I just tried to send feedback from inside the app and it wouldnt let me, the keyboard wouldnt appear so I had to do it from here instead! I do like the way this app works if it does what its supposed to do but right now Im using another app because this one isnt working! I wish it did then I would use this!
I like this app its just like the website if you hate using safari to check your hotmail account because of the zooming in then get this app I give it 2 thumbs up